Coach Details

David Zuber
Organic Coaching
Norton Shores, MI

I’m a triathlon coach, athlete, husband, father, and grandfather.

Winning does not have to mean coming in first, a win can be defined as so much more on race day. In my 6 years of triathlon racing it was never more clear to me than IRONMAN Chattanooga 2019 when the heat index was over 100° fahrenheit. When circumstances conspired to put me out on the run with a goal to get it done, on what would come to be the third highest DNF rate of any IRONMAN. Winning can be as simple as adapting to what the day throws at you and adapting to get it done! My goal coaching is to always help athletes get wins in training and racing!

A strong coach/athlete relationship is building around a plan that fits into the athletes life and open communication. Asking questions is important and an open mind will take you a long way in this sport with knowledgeable guidance. I enjoy working with athletes who enjoy training, want to get the best out of themselves and pushing their athletic boundaries.​

My journey into this sport and coaching started as a child. I was given a Timex IRONMAN and I vividly remember watching the IRONMAN World Championships on NBC in high school. Fast forward 20 Years to 2011. It was almost two decades since I was involved in any sports and I was a smoker. I knew smoking was a habit I needed to kick, and I did it cold turkey. But I quickly replaced cigarettes with food and found myself not feeling as great as I thought I would after quitting smoking. I joined a gym and realized I really enjoyed working out, and was feeling more energetic at work as an auto mechanic the more consistently I went to the gym.

Six months into going to the gym my journey to triathlon started to take place. I was introduced to mountain biking, which led to running and then competing in both mountain bike races and running races. Unloading my mountain bike at the trailhead I saw a sign for an Xterra triathlon and signed up that night, not really knowing what I was getting myself into. I completed that race and fell in love with the sport and quickly realized how much I enjoyed the three disciplines of triathlon. Triathlon has become more than just a pason for me, it has become a lifestyle. With proper guidance I have become a confident athlete, strong open water swimmer and multi time IRONMAN finisher. I have perfected a balance that is synergistic with a physical job and allows me to thrive in sport and life. Coaching is my passion and I enjoy working with athletes who embrace the sport and want to get better! That is when it’s truly fun!

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