Coach Details

Eva Spegt
Cumming, GA
Endurance Coaching & Testing - From beginners to ambitious age group athletes We offer individualized coaching based on your fitness, goals and available time for local athletes as well as remotely. At EnduThletics, we have testing equipment from VO2Master and Moxy Monitor to measure your VO2Max and Muscle oxygen. With specific tests, we can accurately measure where you stand, define your zones, and prescribe effective sessions, to improve the fastest. Last but not least, track your progress and improvements over time. However, if you are only interested in a VO2 Test to see where your fitness is or to find out about your training zones - We are here too! You can find out more on our website (, Instagram (@enduthletics) or Facebook (Enduthletics). Text me and we'll chat about how I can help you improve!
Beginners, Long Course, Short Course, Women Specific
I am a USA Triathlon Level 1 Certified Coach since 2021. It all started due to my own curiosity and drive to get better in Triathlon. I read articles and books about all kinds of topics and learned a lot by trial and error. Over time, I realized that I enjoy passing on my knowledge and experience to training partners and friends who got interested in endurance sports. My goal is not only to provide coaching, but to also have the athletes learn about training methods and understand why they are doing certain workouts. I work with athletes of all abilities from beginners to Ironman Hawaii qualifiers. For local athletes, I am able to provide testing in the form of VO2max, lactate and Muscle oxygen to dial in the training zones more precisely and be more effective. I also meet you in person to work on your swim technique or at the track to work on your running form.

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